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ACTA unter der Lupe


Um Motive, Implikationen und Konsequenzen des Abkommens zur Bekämpfung von Produkt- und Markenpiraterie (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, ACTA) geht es am 1. März 2012 in einem Workshop im Europäischen Parlament. Neben der Vorstellung einer Studie zu ACTA geht es u. a. um spezifische Aspekte des Abkommens wie den Schutz von Grundrechten und die Bereitstellung von Generika-Medikamenten für Entwicklungsländer. Zum Teilnehmerkreis gehören Vertreter des Parlaments, der Kommission und von wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen. Das Programm finden Sie unten bzw. unter dem Link http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201201/20120130ATT36596/20120130ATT36596EN.pdf.


The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)


József Antall Building

Room JAN 4Q2

Thursday, 1 March 2012



15.00 Welcome and introduction to the workshop by INTA Chairman Prof. Vital MOREIRA

15.15 Panel 1: A comprehensive assessment of the “Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement” (ACTA) and the EU IPR protection and enforcement-related trade policies.

Speakers: Mr Karel DE GUCHT, EU Commissioner for Trade, Dr Michael GEIST, University of Ottawa, Prof. Christophe GEIGER, CEIPI, University of Strasbourg

16.15 Panel 2: Presentation of the European Parliament’s External Study entitled “The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement” (Policy Department, 2011)

Speakers: Prof. Anselm Kamperman SANDERS, Maastricht University, Prof. Dalindyebo SHABALALA, Maastricht University

The presentation will be followed by comments from the European Commission represented by Mr Pedro VELASCO MARTINS, Deputy Head of Unit, DG TRADE (B-3)

17.15 Panel 3: Specific aspects of ACTA

The EU acquis and ACTA: Are civil liberties under threat? - What will be the likely impact of ACTA on EU Member States’ national legislation on IPR enforcement?

Speakers: Dr Olivier VRINS, partner, ALTIUS Lawyers, Mr Rupert SCHLEGELMILCH, EC, Director, DG TRADE (B)

Is ACTA likely to restrict access to medicines in developing countries? Is ACTA a potential danger for trade in generic drugs?

Speakers: Dr Meir PUGATCH, University of Haifa, Mr Rupert SCHLEGELMILCH, EC, Director, DG TRADE (B)

18.15 Concluding remarks by INTA rapporteur Mr David Martin

18.25 Closure of the workshop by INTA Chairman Prof. Vital MOREIRA


